loose morals|loose moral in English

liberal ethics, morals which are not generally acceptable

Use "loose morals|loose moral" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "loose morals|loose moral" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "loose morals|loose moral", or refer to the context using the word "loose morals|loose moral" in the English Dictionary.

1. She too fell prey to false doctrines and loose morals.

2. It was always the view of my parents that hot weather encouraged loose morals.

3. Other consequences of loose morals include herpes, gonorrhea, hepatitis B and C, and syphilis.

4. Women who went to pubs alone would sometimes be assumed to have loose morals.

5. Previously, they had led the so-called free life-style of drugs, religious experimentation, and loose morals.

6. Their works include “loose conduct,” which is a brazen disregard for high moral principles.

7. Turn him loose.

8. No loose ends.

9. She's a loose cannon.

10. The bracket came loose.

11. A loose windowpane rattles.

12. There's a loose stone.

13. Have a loose tounge.

14. Loose sexual practices are tolerated.

15. And they're cutting him loose.

16. Your fan belt is loose.

17. Vibrations shook the panel loose.

18. Take up these loose ropes.

19. The screw had worked loose.

20. Monsters loose in the city?

21. Loose-fitting shirts are comfy.


23. Tight Coils and Loose Jaws

24. I don't like loose ends.

25. Your shoelace has come loose.